Case Studies | Glasgow Chamber of Commerce

Case Studies

Glasgow Zine Library

We are a community library and arts space and were interested in the placement programme for two reasons. First, we want to support those in our community to develop new skills, experience, and confidence to enter the cultural sector. Second, because we were looking for extra support with community engagement in the lead up to our annual festival. We chose our candidate because he was clearly passionate about what we do, and was looking to gain the kinds of skills and experience we can help him develop. He has adapted well to our organisation, bringing enthusiasm, a friendly, welcoming attitude, and organising community arts events with us.


Govanhill Baths Community Trust

We were looking to recruit an experienced driver to help deliver the aims of the People’s Pantry. This placement would have allowed us to expand our collections across the city and increase the amount and variety of food we provide our members. This placement was also of interest as it allowed us to employ someone who faced barriers in employment and provide them with experience and training. We chose the participant due to their enthusiasm, keen interest and previous work experience which demonstrated they could fulfill the duties of their post. They also adapted to our needs and helped us with front-of-house operations during Wednesdays which are our busiest day.


Drumchapel Citizens Advice Bureau

As a local charity, we regularly look for opportunities to recruit and train local people in positions that they might not otherwise have access to. The Paid Work Placement allowed the bureau to create a position that is difficult to attract funding for, but crucial to the development and progression of the organization. Our successful candidate had been volunteering with the bureau for some time, donating his time for free to benefit the community where he lives. Since joining the bureau, his confidence has increased, his dedication and commitment have been rewarded and he is gaining invaluable skills to take him further in his career.


Greater Pollok Services

Paid Work Placements has enabled us to employ a much-needed volunteer support worker. Kieran is an outstanding candidate and was already volunteering and supporting residents of Pollok through his Sports Forever foundation. He continues to be a presence in the community and continues to support our volunteers. Alongside financial support, we have been able to have weekly meetings to discuss our work and Kieran has taken part in training and numerous community meetings.


Scottish Ethnic Minority Deaf Charity

Committed to equality and diversity, SEMDC promotes from within and to be able to provide a member of the community with paid work, in a safe and nurturing environment where the candidate would be supported to learn new skills, build confidence and become part of team that is dedicated to supporting people who are deaf and from an ethnic minority. We had three candidates in mind; however, Sayed was the best fit for this job. He also showed great determination when practicing his interview skills.


Glasgow Chamber of Commerce

Glasgow Chamber of Commerce is not only a partner delivering this programme but is also a host organisation which has provided a young person with a six-month work placement. In August 2023, Reece was referred to Paid Work Placements by his Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) Co-ordinator who was still supporting Reece after he left secondary school. He didn’t really enjoy school and found it challenging at times. Since leaving school, he has had different work experience opportunities and has developed an interest in administration and office environments. Reece was therefore successful in securing a paid work placement with Glasgow Chamber of Commerce.


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