10 Jul 2024
We are pleased to announce that we are seeking full applications from employers to create a Work Placement Job.
PWP is funded by Glasgow City Council and the programme will be delivered by GCVS with partners Glasgow Chamber of Commerce, Enable Scotland, CEMVO Scotland, and Move On and will provide up to 60 people, resident within Glasgow city boundary with the opportunity to work on a paid placement at the Real Living Wage.
The opportunity to host a placement is open to public, private and third (or voluntary) sector employers in the city. At least 50% of the posts will be in the third or voluntary sector and we are looking for employers who understand the importance of nurturing and supporting individuals to overcome any barriers to sustained employment and to maximise the opportunity a placement job provides.
The programme is open to those aged 16 to pensionable age who are not currently working, not in education or training and are eligible to work in the UK, and who are ready for work but have barriers to employment that make it difficult for them to secure a job independently.
Employers interested in creating Work Placement job opportunities should apply now.
Paid Work Placements - Glasgow Council for the Voluntary Sector (gcvs.org.uk)
Closing date for applications is 12 noon on Monday 12 August 2024.